
Research, Iteration, and Prototyping

To create a successful application research, iteration and prototyping are all needed. These processes happen, to varying degrees simultaneously. Within this layered process, these directives can be examined independently.

  1. Research is broken into two categories: validation and workflow analysis.
    • Validation is focused on assessing user actions within the existing rm design specifications.
    • Work flow analysis examines the application within an expanded context, looking at factor in and outside the application that influence the rule making process.
  2. Iteration is informed by the validation testing to improve the existing actions supported in the application.
  3. Prototyping involves crafting interfaces which can be used to conduct rule authoring actions. Interfaces can be used to enable user testing at scale. Prototyping can happen in production and pre-production interfaces, which can take the form of anything from paper prototyped to pixel perfect, production class screens.

Near Term Outcomes

With a novel specification, on-boarding and testing are going to be inseparable into the near future. This sprint explores the two together, building an on-boarding sequence and using this as a site to begin testing.

Multiple outcomes are intended to result from this effort, including an on-boarding sequence that can be used in slides, or in application, tests that can be conducted in workshops, or as part of the on-boarding sequence in application, and finally strategic insight gained from the research efforts.

Production Scope and Design Research Artifacts

At the same time, the design research efforts are intended to define the scope of a production class Rule Maker. This is an ongoing process that will be achieved through a study of technical needs, as well as the results of collaborative workshops involving contributors and stakeholders.

6 Sept 2021

Calvin Hutcheon